The Union Parliament
Civics Syllabus for Class X of ICSE
1. The Union Legislature
Meaning of the federal setup in India(i) Lok Sabha :
- Term, composition, qualifications for membership.
- Parliamentary procedures : a brief idea of sessions, quorum, question hour, adjournment and no-confidence motiom.
- Speaker - election and functions
(ii) Rajya Sabha :
- Composition, qualifications for membership,
- Election, term, Presiding officer.
- Powers and functions of Union Parliament - (legislative, financial, judicial, electoral, amendment of the Constitution, control over excutive).
- Exclusive powers of the two Houses
Question and Answer of The Union Legislature
1) Questions for One (1) Mark's :
2) Questions for Two (2) Mark's :
- Name the two houses of the Indian Parliament. [ICSE Board-2020, 2015]
- What is meant by the term 'Session'? [ICSE Board-2020]
- What is the normal term of office of the Lok Sabha? [ICSE Board 2019,2016] OR What is the term of the "Lok Sabha"? [ICSE Board Specimen Paper, 2018], 2019
- State the meaning of the term ‘Question Hour’. - 2019 Or, What is mean by the term ‘Question Hour’ in the contest of parliamentary procedures in India. - 2007
- Name the Presiding Officer of the Lok Sabha. - 2019
- What is the maximum gap allowed between the two parliamentary sessions? - 2018
- State the minimum number of times the Lok Sabha must meet in a year. - 2014, 2015
- Name the two types of authority in the federal setup of India. - 2018
- What is meant by the term ‘Quorum ’? - 2018
- Or, Explain the term ‘Quorum’? - 2009
- State any one federal feature of the Indian constitution. - 2017
- Who presides over the joint session of the two houses of the parliament? - 2017
- When can the speaker of the Lok Sabha cast his vote? - 2017
- What is meant by the residuary powers of the parliament? - 2016
- State anyone object where, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha enjoy co-equal powers in legislation of laws. 2016
- How many members are nominated by the president to the Lok Sabha? Which community do they represent? - 2015
- What is the required Quorum to hold the meetings of the Lok Sabha?
- Mention one provision of the constitution which clearly establishes the supremacy of the Lok Sabha with regard to Money Bills. - 2015
- Name the main constituent of the Indian parliament. - 2012
- Mention any one reason why election in India are held by the secret ballot. - 2011
- A legislative assembly has 230 members. How many members are needed to be present in order to enable the House to transact it's business? - 2011
- What happens to the Ruling Government when a vote of no-confidence is passed against it. - 2010
- How many members can the President nominate to the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha? - 2009
- What is the constitutional provision with regard to the representation of the Anglo Indian community in the Lok Sabha?
- Mention any two qualifications required to be able to stand for election to the Lok Sabha.
- Who is eligible to be the Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
3) Questions for Three (3) Mark's :
- With reference to the union legislature answer the following questions : Explain any three legislative powers of the union parliament. - 2020
- With reference to the union legis answer the following questions : estate any three exclusive powers of the Lok Sabha that are not enjoyd by the other house. - 2020
- Give three reasons as to why the Lok Sabha is considered more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. - 2018
- with reference to the union legislature, answer the following question : how is this speaker of the Lok Sabha elected? State two disciplinary functions of the speaker. - 2016
4) Questions for Four (4) Mark's :
- With reference to the union legislature, answer the following questions : list any four functions of the speaker of the Lok Sabha.
- The parliament is the body of peoples representatives who have Supreme Power in a democracy. With reference to the union legislature, answer the following : state any two financial and any two legislative powers of the Indian Parliament. - 2019
5) Questions for Ten (10) Mark's :
5.1) The executive power of the Indian Union is vested in the president of India. In this contest, answer the following questions :
- i) Give any two reasons for the indirect election of the president.
- ii) Mention any two discretionery powers of the president.
- iii) Mention any three legislative powers of the president.
- iv) Name the three kinds of emergencies that can be proclaimed by the president.
- I) what is the maximum strength fixed by the constitution and what is its present strength?
- ii) Mr K. Rajan was disqualified from election to the Lok Sabha, even though he was a citizen of India and was 22 years of age. On what ground was his nomination paper rejected by the returning officer?
- iii) what is the term (Duration) of the House?
- iv) what is the normal schedule for parliamentary Sessions in a year?
- Or
- Name the three sessions of the Indian parliament.
5.3) Discuss the role and functions of the speaker of the Lok Sabha with reference to the following :
- a) Any four powers to regulate proceedings of the house.
- b) any two disciplinary functions.
- c) any two administrative functions.
- d) any two powers regarding parliamentary committees.
5.4) with reference to the composition and organisation of the Rajya Sabha answer the following questions :
- a) What is the manner of election of its member?
- b) What are the qualifications of the members of the Rajya Sabha?
- c) What is the term (Duration) of this House?
5.5) parliament today is not a law making body only; it has become a multifunctional institution. In this context make a mention of its following powers and functions.
- a) Three of its Legislative powers
- b) Three of its Judicial powers
- c) Two of it's financial powers
- d) Two of it's electoral functions
5.6) there are some powers exclusively in the domain of Lok Sabha. In this context mention briefly :
- A) Lok sabha's control over financial matters
- B) It's control over the Union Council of Ministers
- C) Its dominant position in the event of Disagreement between the two Houses on a Bill, other than a Money Bill.
- Or, where you given an opportunity to become the member of parliament, state a few importance reasons why you would like to be a member of the Lok Sabha.
5.7) there are some powers exclusively in the domain of Rajya Sabha. In this context mention briefly it's position and powers regarding :
- A) Making of laws on matters cited in the State List.
- B) Creation of new all India services.
- C) It's position arising from the fact that it is a Permanent body.
5.8) in respect of the legislative powers of the union parliament, briefly describe :
- A) it's power to make laws UN subjects mentioned in the union list and the concurrent list.
- B) it's residuary powers.
- C) It's role regarding and Ordinance Promulgated by the president.
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